Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

Dallas-Fort Worth is the largest metropolitan area in Texas and home to nearly 8 million people. As the largest-scale metropolitan area in the state, the city has built countless buildings and structures for its population. Asbestos, a key component in most construction projects during the 20th century, is known to cause cancer, like mesothelioma. The cancer-causing mineral is heavily regulated now, but many people were exposed to asbestos and have since developed disease or died. If you live or work in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, you should know how to locate an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.

Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas


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Top Mesothelioma Lawyers and Law Firms in Dallas-Fort Worth

As one of the most populated areas in Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) has many options for local mesothelioma law firms and attorneys. The key is finding an attorney who specializes in mesothelioma or asbestos claims. Some personal injury law firms or lawyers will take on cancer cases caused by asbestos exposure – even if they do not have extensive knowledge on these types of cases. One website mentions 33 mesothelioma lawyers in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

Law firms local to the DFW area may seem like the best and most convenient option, but that might not be true. National asbestos law firms tend to be more skilled, knowledgeable and experienced in navigating these types of cases. A nationally recognized asbestos law firm like Bullock Campbell Bullock & Harris, PC is fully equipped with more expertise and resources to successfully help victims of mesothelioma.

Importance of Finding a National Asbestos Law Firm Licensed in Dallas-Fort Worth

There are a few reasons why seeking out a national asbestos law firm for your mesothelioma claim is in your best interest. Usually, national lawyers are licensed to practice in many states, including the state of Texas, which means they are qualified to accept cases located in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Mesothelioma and asbestos cases are complex, as they often involve multiple locations spanning several states, or jurisdictions. The cases are heard by courts located in the same jurisdiction, or county, as the at-fault company’s headquarters, which are commonly located in a state separate from the site of asbestos exposure. If you were exposed to asbestos in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, your case most likely involves other jurisdictions.

Hiring a national law firm is the first step towards success in filing a mesothelioma claim. National law firms are usually licensed in several states, which increase your chances of receiving fair mesothelioma compensation.

Most Mesothelioma Claims Involve Multiple Locations Icon

Most Mesothelioma Claims Involve Multiple Locations

Mesothelioma cases can involve multiple companies and multiple locations. Asbestos and mesothelioma claims are directed at any company that may be responsible for a victim’s asbestos exposure. These claims usually involve more than one company and sometimes multiple locations, as they may have participated in different stages of the manufacturing and distribution of asbestos products.

The different locations involved in asbestos cases are where the employee worked at the time of exposure, and the locations of manufacturers, distributors and company headquarters. All of these locations are where legal claims are to be filed – and yes, you can file mesothelioma claims in multiple locations against multiple companies.

Due to the complexity of mesothelioma claims, choosing an experienced national law firm or lawyer to navigate your asbestos claims will increase your chances at success. A national mesothelioma lawyer will determine where you need to file your claim – whether it be in Dallas, Fort Worth or across three different states. A local DFW mesothelioma lawyer would be confined to Texas and its cities. A national law firm offers the convenience and efficiency of having one attorney for all of your claims.

More Experience With Asbestos Legal Claims Icon

More Experience With Asbestos Legal Claims

Another reason to seek out a national mesothelioma law firm is they have more experience with asbestos claims than local law firms.

Because mesothelioma is such a rare cancer – with less than 3,000 diagnoses each year – only a handful of people are diagnosed in Dallas-Fort Worth on average every year. With that said, very few DFW residents will be diagnosed with mesothelioma and even fewer will reach out to a local attorney for guidance.

Local lawyers receiving a couple asbestos claims per year cannot compare their experience to national asbestos lawyers who work on these types of claims year-round. National mesothelioma lawyers possess the knowledge and experience required for success in asbestos claims.

Bullock Campbell Bullock & Harris, PC is a prime example of a top-tier national asbestos law firm. BCBH Law has a complete database of confirmed asbestos exposure sites all over the United States. They have mastered the strategies needed to determine a victim’s complete asbestos exposure history.

National law firms have experience with more cases, access to more resources and are often more knowledgeable than lawyers confined to their local area.

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Travel and Payment Not a Concern for the Victim

Another reason for choosing a national law firm to represent you in your asbestos claim is that there are no fees or unnecessary travel associated with national mesothelioma lawyers.

Mesothelioma lawyers understand the burden of a mesothelioma diagnosis includes difficulties navigating everyday life, medical expenses, travel expenses and life expenses. As a mesothelioma patient, you do not have time to waste traveling to meet with attorneys. National mesothelioma attorneys will focus on all the tedious paperwork and research, while you focus on resting and receiving the best treatment possible.

National law firms, like BCBH Law, work on a contingency basis, meaning you, the victim, are not required to pay any costs or fees in order to acquire legal representation. Your lawyer will be compensated solely if you win your case.

If the court rules in your favor, then you, your family and your team of mesothelioma lawyers will split the awarded compensation. Your legal team will be compensated with a portion of the award. You will not have to pay anything out of pocket to receive the best legal counsel.

Just as payment is not required, neither is travel. National mesothelioma lawyers are highly knowledgeable on mesothelioma and the legal issues surrounding the topic, including exposure sites, locations of company headquarters, laws and statues in each state and more. A national mesothelioma lawyer has the skills to work out every detail of your case, from initiating the lawsuit, notifying defendants, traveling to your meetings in Dallas-Fort Worth and everything in between.

The most significant benefits of hiring a national mesothelioma law firm are no upfront fees and no unnecessary travel. You will never be expected to pay an unreasonable amount for counsel or fly across the country to sign paperwork. As a mesothelioma patient, your priorities do not involve worrying about your mesothelioma lawsuit. Hire the best lawyers and leave the legal issues up to them.

Your priorities should be resting, receiving treatment, and enjoying time with loved ones. Focusing on your mesothelioma lawsuit takes precious time away from those priorities. National asbestos lawyers understand the severity of mesothelioma and the toll it can take on the victim and their family.

How to File a Mesothelioma Claim in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

The first step to filing a mesothelioma claim in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas is finding an experienced lawyer to accept the case. Finding a qualified attorney that can take over your case will alleviate some of the burden brought by mesothelioma diagnosis. Your attorney will complete the required paperwork, communicate with the many lawyers for the defendant companies, and move your claim through the process efficiently and effectively.

The next step of a mesothelioma claim in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas is filing the case at the local courthouse. Because the DFW area is so large, you will need to determine where to file your claim: Dallas or Fort Worth. There are several counties that make up the DFW metropolitan area. Locating an experienced mesothelioma attorney can help narrow down where you need to file your claim and initiate the case process.

Dallas County Civil Court is located in the center of Dallas in downtown. Fort Worth is included in Tarrant County, and the civil court is in downtown Fort Worth.

The complete steps for mesothelioma claims are:

  • Find a mesothelioma lawyer
  • 2
  • Meet with your legal team
  • 3
  • Go through your history of exposure to asbestos
  • 4
  • File your mesothelioma claim
  • 5
  • Go through a full review of your work history, exposures, and evidence of malpractice from at-fault companies
  • 6
  • Provide a deposition
  • 7
  • Discuss a potential settlement
  • 8
  • Take the case to trial, hopefully for a favorable verdict

Many cases don’t make it to trial due to the interest in mesothelioma settlements by defending companies. Most often, at-fault companies do not want to risk taking the case to trial, becoming the center of bad news coverage and being ordered to pay hefty verdict amounts. They usually prefer to reach a settlement in private, which helps the defendants to distribute the victim’s award promptly.

Asbestos Exposure in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

Asbestos exposure in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas was not a rare occurrence in the 20th century. Nearly every industry in the country used the cancer-causing mineral as a key ingredient for many products and materials, leading to reckless exposure to asbestos for employees, consumers and bystanders.

Some confirmed sites of asbestos exposure in Dallas, Texas are:

  • Aramark Corporation
  • AT&T Dallas Works Plant
  • Baylor University Hospital
  • Bishop College
  • Carswell Air Force Base
  • Coca-Cola Bottling Plant
  • Coca-Cola Building
  • Dallas Baptist University
  • Dallas ISD
  • DFW Airport
  • Estes Packing Plant
  • Exchange Park Company
  • Fair Park Music Hall
  • Fort Worth Courthouse
  • Fort Worth Poultry & Eggs
  • Federal Reserve Bank
  • Frito Lay, Inc.
  • Gaf Corporation
  • General Electric
  • General Motors Plant
  • Holman Boiler Works, Inc.
  • Industrial Uniform and Towel Company
  • Jesuit High School
  • JCPenney Regional Office
  • Lockheed Martin Plant
  • Lone Star Gas Plant
  • Love Field Airport
  • Mary Kay Cosmetics Plant
  • Mrs. Bairds
  • National Linen Plant
  • Neiman marcus
  • Neuhoff Packing Plant
  • Oak Cliff Paper Mills
  • Palace Theatre
  • Parkdale Powerhouse
  • Purina Pet Food Plant
  • Quaker Oats Company
  • Republic National Bank Building
  • Rock Island Railroad
  • Reunion Arena
  • Salvation Army
  • Sears, Roebuck Warehouse
  • Southern Methodist University
  • Southwestern Bell Telephone Building
  • Swift Packing Plant
  • Tarrant County Courthouse
  • Texas Christisna University
  • Texas Instruments, Inc.
  • Texas Power & Light Company
  • Texas Utilities General Office
  • Veterans Administration Hospital
  • Wyatt Metal & Boiler Works
  • YMCA
  • Zales Building

At-Risk Occupations for Dallas-Fort Worth Workforce

Construction, insulation and other industrial advancements reached throughout the 20th century are the main source of asbestos in the United States and Dallas-Fort Worth. Most asbestos exposure occurred on the job, also known as occupational asbestos exposure. People working in specific trades or for companies involved in the manufacturing of asbestos products were unaware that there were any risks at all.

High-risk occupations for asbestos exposure for the Dallas workforce include:

  • Construction work
  • Insulation work
  • Railroad workers
  • Electrical workers
  • Plumbers
  • Pipefitters
  • Electrical plant workers
  • Gas plant workers
  • Power plant workers

Dallas-Fort Worth Asbestos Laws and Regulations

The Texas Asbestos Health Protection Act is the primary law governing asbestos regulation in Texas, which requires employers to protect workers from exposure to asbestos fibers by educating employees on the health hazards of asbestos and limiting the level of asbestos exposure in the workplace.

The Texas Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Regulations (Sections 61.130-61.140 of the Texas Administrative Code) implement the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for asbestos. These regulations set emissions standards for asbestos-containing materials that are subject to reduction.

The Texas Hazard Communication Act (Texas Labor Code, Chapter 502) requires employers to provide employees with information regarding the hazards of asbestos exposure. Employers must also develop and implement a written hazard communication program including information on the dangers of asbestos exposure and the precautions workers can take to protect themselves from these dangers.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers to provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace. Employers must take steps to protect workers from hazardous working conditions, including exposure to asbestos fibers.

The state of Texas also states that any work disturbing asbestos must be performed by trained and licensed professionals, and you must alert the Texas Department of State Health Services.

The only exception for performing asbestos removal without a license is removing floor tile or sheet vinyl flooring. However, the person removing the material must participate in the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) guidelines training and follow those guidelines throughout the removal process. Before performing the removal, the flooring material must be sampled by a certified inspector.

All asbestos removal should be completed safely and by someone with proper training. The full Texas Asbestos Regulation is accessible on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

Chrysotile asbestos is banned in the United States as of March 2024. This is the most common of the six asbestos types and the only type reportedly still used in select industries. Today, chrysotile asbestos is solely used in the chlor-alkali industry. Chlor-alkali is used to make chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide. The other five asbestos types are not banned yet but are highly regulated with no reported uses.

All other industries – including construction – have found substitutes for asbestos. The mineral was valued for its durability and resistance to heat, which protected wires, insulation and other building components from damage.

Governing Bodies Overseeing Asbestos in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

The Texas Department of State Health Services is the main governing body overseeing asbestos in Dallas-Fort Worth and other Texas cities. The national regulatory body for asbestos is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Other governing bodies overseeing asbestos in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas are:

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Federal regulatory agency responsible for protecting the public and the environment by ensuring clean and quality air and land, including asbestos regulation.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – Federal agency responsible for setting and enforcing workplace safety standards, including those for asbestos exposure.
  • Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) – Primary regulatory agency for asbestos in Texas; collaborates with local agencies to promote general health and well-being among the public, including enforcing asbestos laws and regulations while educating the public on asbestos safety.
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) – State agency responsible for protecting the state’s public health and natural resources, including asbestos emissions.

Statute of Limitations for Asbestos Claims in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

The statute of limitations law was implemented to protect defendant’s from legal liability after a certain period of time that their alleged offense was committed. This law places a limit on the amount of time a victim has to file a claim. In Texas, the statute of limitations is two (2) years for both personal injury and wrongful death cases.

In most cases, the time window begins immediately after someone is wronged, injured or deceased. However, mesothelioma and asbestos cases are an exception due to the long latency period of the disease. The statute of limitations for mesothelioma and asbestos claims begins once the victim is diagnosed with mesothelioma, or after the victim dies and the family learns mesothelioma was the cause of death. In cases where the victim dies before a claim begins, the family can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Delaying any type of legal action can risk the window for the statute of limitations closing. The only way to ensure the process is stress-free and efficient is to find an experienced national mesothelioma lawyer to accept the case. Your knowledgeable asbestos attorney will initiate the process and thoroughly handle all the details to ensure you receive adequate compensation.

A local lawyer might not know the statute of limitations exception for mesothelioma and asbestos claims, or how the statute is different from personal injury claims. Find a lawyer with extensive experience in asbestos claims; even better, prioritize a law firm dedicated to asbestos and mesothelioma cases.

The law firm of Bullock Campbell Bullock & Harris is a national law firm dedicated to bringing justice to mesothelioma victims and their families. The highly accomplished attorneys of BCBH are available to discuss your diagnosis and exposure history. Bullock Campbell Bullock & Harris, PC attorneys are headquartered in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, making them a favorable option in your search for a qualified mesothelioma attorney.

Contact the mesothelioma attorneys at BCBH Law for legal guidance in your Dallas-Fort Worth asbestos claim.

Texas Mesothelioma Laws & Law Firms by City

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About the Writer, Camryn Keeble

Camryn Keeble is a content writer and editor for Mesothelioma Guide. She creates informative content to educate mesothelioma patients and their loved ones on news, treatments and more. She also works diligently to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos exposure and the effects of mesothelioma.