Get Top Cancer Center Recommendations

Our free Cancer Center Recommendation program will put you in touch with our registered nurse, who can help you connect with the top mesothelioma cancer centers in the country.

Karen Ritter RN

Karen Ritter, RN BSN

Registered Nurse &
Patient Advocate

Karen Ritter is our on-staff registered nurse. Her goal is to help mesothelioma patients and families find the best treatment centers and doctors for their specific needs. After you sign up with the form to the right, Karen will help you find the top cancer centers and specialists for your diagnosis.

Get Connected to Top Cancer Centers

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Factors Karen Considers

diagnosis info


Cancer centers should be able to fulfill all the needs of a mesothelioma patient, keeping patients from having to endure unnecessary travel.


Treats All Stages

Finding a cancer center with the ability to treat every stage of mesothelioma is critical, since every stage requires specialized treatment.



Finding a cancer center that is located nearby may be preferable as some treatments (such as chemotherapy) may require numerous visits.


Experience with Mesothelioma

Not every cancer center is equipped to handle mesothelioma. Patients should make sure that their cancer center can treat their specific diagnosis.


Clinical Trials

One of the benefits of receiving treatment at a major cancer center is that patients will have access to clinical trials.


Insurance Acceptance

Healthcare can be expensive, so determining whether a certain cancer center accepts a patient’s insurance is important.

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