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Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer in Alabama

Asbestos is a hazardous substance that can cause many types of cancer. During the 20th century, asbestos had a large presence in the Alabama workforce, especially in the construction, industrial and manufacturing industries. Exposure to asbestos can lead to serious illnesses, like mesothelioma or lung cancer. If you lived or currently live in Alabama and have a cancer linked to asbestos exposure, Mesothelioma Guide can connect you with an experienced mesothelioma attorney.

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How to Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer in Alabama

Mesothelioma Guide has resources to help you find a qualified mesothelioma lawyer in Alabama. We can even narrow your search for an attorney to specific cities, such as Mobile, Birmingham, Huntsville or Montgomery.

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Asbestos and Mesothelioma in Alabama Cities

Mobile is Alabama’s only seaport, which means, at one point, asbestos was imported directly into Mobile, one reason Mobile County currently has the highest number of asbestos-related deaths in the state. Here’s assistance in finding a mesothelioma attorney in Mobile.

Following Mobile in the ranks for asbestos-related deaths is Jefferson County, the county home of Birmingham. The city was home to steel mills and factories that likely contained or manufactured asbestos products. This page will help you find a qualified mesothelioma attorney in Birmingham.

Huntsville is the most populated city in Alabama. Asbestos is known to be in NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal, two places considered as the area’s largest employers. Find out how to find a mesothelioma attorney in Huntsville.

Montgomery is the capital of Alabama. The cancer-causing substance was loosely regulated and can be found almost anywhere – cars, schools, homes, cosmetic products, factories and more. Here’s a guide to finding a knowledgeable mesothelioma attorney in Montgomery.

Where Legacy Asbestos Exists in Alabama

The cancer-causing substance is known to be found in older homes – even hidden in some home appliances. This old asbestos is called “legacy asbestos.” It’s the primary source of exposure today.

The state of Alabama is home to many industrial and manufacturing plants, which means a majority of the workforce was likely exposed to asbestos before the 1980s. Before regulations (and eventually in 2024 a ban) were put in place, workers were not informed of the dangers and were not given protective equipment.

Asbestos is found in many historic buildings and schools around Alabama. Two of the well-known locations are NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal. These places were integral in America’s aerospace and military progress.

Anyone who built these homes or buildings, or worked in a manufacturing facility from 1980 or earlier may have been exposed to asbestos decades ago. Diseases like mesothelioma do not form immediately after fibers enter the body.

Rather, they lay dormant for 30 or 40 years, meaning exposure to asbestos in 1980 may have only recently led to mesothelioma symptoms and a diagnosis. This is why mesothelioma lawsuits continue to be filed despite the limited use of asbestos in the 21st century.

Help Available to Find a Mesothelioma Attorney in Alabama

If you or someone you know have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should focus on improving your health, resting, getting treatment from a top cancer center, and spending time with loved ones. You should never feel overwhelmed by a mesothelioma legal claim.

However, Mesothelioma Guide’s experts urge you to file a claim to hold the asbestos manufacturing companies accountable for their reckless actions. They profited for almost a century by producing and distributing asbestos products with no regard for the health of their consumers and employees. They are responsible for the nearly 3,000 cases of mesothelioma diagnosed each year in the United States.

The patient advocates at Mesothelioma Guide can help connect you with a lawyer in Alabama. Contact our team today to learn about your legal options and how we can assist you. Mesothelioma Guide offers a free case evaluation from Bullock, Campbell, Bullock & Harris, a law firm specializing in representing asbestos victims. BCBH Law has mesothelioma attorneys licensed to represent patients in Alabama.

Mesothelioma Laws & Law Firms by State

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About the Writer, Camryn Keeble

Camryn Keeble is a content writer and editor for Mesothelioma Guide. She creates informative content to educate mesothelioma patients and their loved ones on news, treatments and more. She also works diligently to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos exposure and the effects of mesothelioma.